General Oncost 7

This window allows for the setup of rules for calculating oncosts and generating the relevant posting transactions for any oncosts. Separate rules can be setup for individual cost centres or one set of rules for multiple centres.

The calculation of oncosts occurs when the Update G/L Posting PTD File is processed and is based on those transactions that meet the selection criteria defined.


Rules and Guidelines

  • There are up to 12 oncosts available.
  • If the Retrospective Pay field is blank, then the retro transactions from payroll will be posted to the G/L in the same manner (same G/L Debit and G/L Credit Accounts) as the other non-retro transactions that each rule is calculating.

    If the Retrospective Pay field is ticked, then only retro transactions from payroll will be posted to the G/L, and all other transactions that meet the other criteria within this rule will display as an ERROR to indicate that they cannot be processed. For every G/L posting rule that there is a record with the flag ticked, there also needs to be a record with the flag not ticked to ensure that non-retro transactions can be posted.

    Thus, if the Retrospective Pay field is blank, the rule will process for both retro and non-retro transactions from payroll. It is only if the retro transactions need to be processed to different G/L accounts that separate rules need to be created for retro (ticked) and non-retro (unticked) transactions.

Field Information